MMB Endowment Fund

Margaret Manor Butler Endowment Fund Gift Pledge
Please print and return to the Lakewood Historical Society.
Checks should be made payable to the Lakewood Historical Society Endowment Fund.

My commitment to the Lakewood Historical Society will be in the form of: 

__ Honorary or Memorial Gift __ Bequest
__ Outright Gift (please enclose) __ Trust Arrangement
__ Honorary gift in the name of Jane Gaydos and Sandra Koozer (please enclose) __ Other (Please specify) _________________________
I understand my gift will live in perpetuity, as only the income from endowment funds can be applied each year to the Society's expenses.

Donor (signature) ___________________________

(print) ____________________________________


City____________________________ State______

Telephone_______________________ Zip________

I would like this gift to be in tribute to the following individual(s):

Name(s) ___________________________


Address ___________________________


Telephone _________________________

NOTE: There are many options to charitable giving in an estate plan. If you want to know more about the tax benefits of these plans, please contact your financial planner or your attorney for details.

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